
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).
  • Member of the Review Board of the Automated Software Engineering An International Journal (Springer).
  • Member of the organising committee of: ISSTA 2025 (Chair in the Artifact Evaluation Track), SCAM (Chair in the NIER Track), ISSTA 2024 (Chair in the Tools Demonstration Track), COW65@UCL (Automated Program Repair and Genetic Improvement), APR@ICSE 2022 (Chair), ISEC 2022 (Doctoral Symposium Chair), MSR 2021 (Virtualisation Chair), ICSME 2021 (Publication Chair), Euromicro DSD/SEAA (STREAM Chair) 2020-2022.
  • Member of the program committees of: ICSE (Research Track) 2025, FSE (Research Track) 2025, ISSTA (Research Track) 2025, GECCO (Search-Based Software Engineering Track) 2024, GI@ICSE (Research Track) 2024, ISSTA (Research Track) 2024, ASE (Research Track) 2024, MSR (Research Track) 2024, SANER (Research Track, Short Papers and Posters Track, ERA Track) 2024, ICST (Industry Track) 2024, EASE (Research Track) 2024, FSE (Artifacts Track) 2024, ICSE (Research Track and Demonstrations Track) 2024, ASE (Research Track) 2023, SANER (Research Track) 2023, ISSTA (Tools Demonstration Track) 2023, GI@ICSE (Research Track) 2023, ICSE (Research Track) 2022, ASE (Research Track) 2022, MSR (Research Track) 2022, SANER (Research Track) 2022, ICST (Posters' Track) 2022, ICPC (RENE Track) 2022, ISEC (ACM Student Research Competition) 2022, ASE (Research, Tool Demonstrations, and NIER Track) 2021, ICSME (Research, Tool Demo Track, and Artifact Evaluation Track) 2021, MSR (Research Track) 2021, ESEC/FSE (Demonstrations, Artifacts, and Student Research Competition Track) 2021, ICSE (Posters Track) 2021, ISSTA (Artifact Evaluation Track) 2021, ICPC (RENE Track) 2021, RAISE 2021, ESEC/FSE (Artifacts Track) 2020, ASE (Research Track) 2020, MSR (Research Track) 2020, SANER (Research Track) 2020, ICSME (Research Track) 2019, ICPC (Research Track) 2018-2020, ECOOP (Artifact Evaluation Track) 2019, MSR (Mining Challenge Track) 2017-2020, SANER (LBI Track) 2020, SATToSE 2018, ICSME-NIER 2017 and 2020, ICCSW 2013.
  • Reviewer for papers submitted to journals: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), Empirical Software Engineering. An International Journal (EMSE), Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Information and Software Technology (IST), Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Automated Software Engineering. An International Journal (AUSE).
  • Reviewer (or co-reviewer) for papers submitted to conferences: RE 2019, ICSME 2017, MSR 2016-2017, ICPC 2016, OSS 2012 and 2014-2017, ICSE-SEIP 2015-2016 and 2018, SANER 2015 and 2018, ESEM 2014, CSMR 2013, PCI 2013.
  • ICSE 2015 and 2017 Student Volunteer.


  • From Oct 2012 to Nov 2015, I was the project manager of the STEREO project of the Department of Management Science and Technology at Athens University of Economics and Business.